
Hi! I know the last chapter you posted was like over a year ago, but any chance you’ll pick it up again?? I LOVE this story and I’m heartbroken it ended with a cliff hanger and would love to read the rest!!! I figure since it’s been so long since you’re last post it is doubtful, but I really did enjoy your writing and keeping fingers crossed you’ll pick it up again ❤️


LOVED this new chapter Thank you so much! 
            I do have a million theories and questions but I’ll keep them off of here so not to spoil it for everyone else reading! 


REALLY?!? I am beyond excited! I am a HUGE Clyde Logan gal and you write him so perfectly! 
            Honestly, this made my day and I’ll be waiting!! 


@Optigal74  Hi, thank you so much for your kind words. To be honest, your interest has inspired me to get back to writing! I actually have the story completed except for the part where the story stops on Wattpad. But I started writing a little yesterday and hope to get another chapter posted soon. Thank you again, it means a lot.