
The next chapter to TDWT/AS: Contestant James will be published this Friday at 8 AM at CST. I hope you'll all look forward to the start of the All-Stars season.


Hi James, I hope your having a good day right now, I was wondering if your still gonna continue Meta Runner: The Gamers of Love, if so is it on hold right now?


@JamesBryant5 ok, thanks for letting me know. can’t wait to see them when their finished


@GamerGageHopping I am. Right now, I'm reworking the first ten chapters I posted, and then I'm going to work on seasons 2 and 3.


Hey mate when the next total island All-Stars next chapter I’m so excited and what happens next no rush, but I just wanna know


@wilsarpik It's finally ready! Right now, I have it scheduled to be released this Friday at 8 AM CST. I hope you look forward to it.


@wilsarpik It'll be ready when it's ready.


After adding nearly 20,000 words, the next chapter of my Persona 4 story is finally ready. I'll be publishing it this Friday around 8 AM CT, so be ready to experience the next chapter like no other, and may it honor one of our beloved Persona voice actors, Billy Kametz. May he Rest in Peace. ️️️


After doing some careful thinking about my TDWT/AS story, I have decided that the All-Stars chapters will be based on the Total Drama All-Stars Re-Write story from @BlueAlastor.
          I will keep things fresh and original to keep it from being a copy of his. And no, he is not working with me in any possible way to make the story sound interesting.
          As for my other stories, the next chapter of Persona 4: Lost Judgement will be lengthy, meaning it's going to take a while. YuGiOh: The Brotherhood of Pharaohs is currently on hold due to not having time to work on the concept duels for Yugi/Yami and Joey. Meta Runner: The Gamers of Love is still being remade/worked on. And I have one more piece of exciting news for all of you. I am currently working on a crossover story between the Legend of Zelda and Spider-Man!
          That's right, I'm working on a Zelda/Spider-Man crossover story. I can't reveal anything to you all about it right now, but what I can say is that this story will be exciting for me, and it will be a thrilling adventure for all of you. Until then, I'm going back to work on my current stories. Game On!