
Hey lovelies! I'm starting up writing another Haikyuu book, but its a marching band AU. If you want please give me input of which characters should play which instrument or if they're in color-guard. 
          	If you want you could also put input on what the marching band show theme would be.


Hey lovelies! I'm starting up writing another Haikyuu book, but its a marching band AU. If you want please give me input of which characters should play which instrument or if they're in color-guard. 
          If you want you could also put input on what the marching band show theme would be.


Currently working on the quality of my writing. I want to produce better work, not only for myself, but for my readers as well. For what I'm doing at the moment is studying sentence structures closer and working on my vocabulary in hopes of more imaginative detailed writing. 
          I felt like sharing this as I deeply care about my readers and only want to produce the best work I possibly can for you guys. Y'all are the reason I keep my passion for writing, so I'll do my best!
          Love you all,
          AL <3


Author-chan I think your writing is perfect the way it is, but if you feel you need to do this then I would most definitely say go for it. You got this author-chan 