
Now that I actually have a book published, all major stories written on hear will be excised to stop people from stealing original material. Either way, you guys should buy my book on Amazon for $6.99 and on kindle for $3.99


Yesterday was my birthday and it was an amazing birthday, but now that day is over and there's nothing I can do to change my age back :(


@JasmineFlower06 yup one year closer to responsibilities.... welcome to the world of being a big kid Jasper  


BONJOUR! Lire meilleurs amis dans l'amour
          Hello! Read Besties in Love, if you haven't yet! I promise you it is not a let down! I MAY NOT be able to post chapters everyday and that could be on purpose to leave cliffhangers or on accident because I just don't have time. KEEP LOOKING OUT! KEEPING LOOKING BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!