
You guys... I have officially dug a little bit of a hole for myself, and I say this because of my latest chapter. There are a lot of things that could have potential plot holes and I’m currently trying to figure out if I should get rid of Half of my book or keep it. 


You guys... I have officially dug a little bit of a hole for myself, and I say this because of my latest chapter. There are a lot of things that could have potential plot holes and I’m currently trying to figure out if I should get rid of Half of my book or keep it. 


I am done with being single. Ok yeah it may seem like I've had a relationship with someone but in all reality no I haven't been in a relationship besides a 2 week relationship online. My bestfriend who is prcaticaly a year younger then me has kissed 3 people and everyone loves her, I mean I love her you know because she's my best friend, but it makes me wonder what in the world I'm not doing to get into a relationship. Yes people out there reading this message, I do want to be in a relationship.I just don't know what I'm doing to not be able to have a relationship. Do you guys have any ideas.


So to answer my own problem let me tell you, people have liked me, I’m just picky and then there’s the fact that people also have the idea that I have for sure been around a little when I’m all reality I have not. So yeah that’s the answer there 


I am sory for not updating my book this last week, I just had a busy week of 2 weddings to go to and my mom also had us organize a few rooms in the house. Twas a busy week, but I'm back and writing. Also I have a recomendation for any Gruvia fans out there that follow me. I have recently read a book that an online friend recommended to me and it's called Ice- Cold.


New announcement! I will be posting on Friday. The day that usually everyone comes to enjoy. But it may not be every Friday because of, well, my life. Soo, I hope you guys aren't too bummed out about this, it just is what it is. Thanks for sticking around!