

Good to have you back, my dude.


To my followers - Thank you. I don't feel I deserve any of what I've been given here, but you were there for me. It's been a good run under this name, but it's gotta end. I made a LOT of promises that I just couldn't keep. If you decide I'm worth it, I've created the new account - the alias is @MetalPriest82 
          If you choose, I'll see you there.


Disregard all my previous announcements, I think I need to talk to all my followers. To avoid mincing my words, I'm burning out. Hard. 
          School is making my life misery, but I'm burning out on the subject that BROUGHT me to Wattpad, RWBY. 
          And in addition, I'm regretting my profile name and persona too. 
          Thing is, I won't just quit. I know that what little I've done was enough to warrant everyone's attention, and I respect that. I'm going to save all my drafts/works to an offsite document, and pull down this account. If possible, I'll post the new one before I do. I know this will feel like a punch to the gut to some (and to me), but it feels necessary. 
          Whatever form I take next here, this was a fun run. 
          Thank you.


Because I've now got multiple published bios and unpublished drafts doing this, headsup. If the MC is named Alexander Kane or Aidan Kane or has the initials A and K he's inspired by me. And it will be a recurring name, don't mind it too much. Maybe I'll make a 'Multiverse of AK' book.


this message may be offensive
Dear God today sucks SO BADLY
          Ok, so 
          Long story short, was driving to school this morning and my car (2015 Mada CX-5) started making noises and the check oil light turned on and off. The car's already been a fix-up so I thought "Whatever. I'll deal with it later or as soon as it gets worse." 10-15 minutes down the road, it got worse. Many noises were being made that were loud enough to overpower my METAL music, the oil light stayed on, and I couldn't drive over 15 mph without heavy resistance. Realizing this is not an improvable situation, I pull over. I call AAA for roadside emergency, and my car gets towed to the dealer, and my mom gives me a ride home. I miss school for the day. And about five minutes ago, I get news that I'm essentially FUCKED! My engine basically fucking shattered. I think I was told it threw a rod or something, it was in pieces, and pieces were in the oil. It's 8k for a new engine. WE CAN'T AFFORD THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW, OUR MONEY IS NEEDED ELSEWHERE! 
          I'm sorry for ranting but this has got to be the worst day I've had this year by FAR. I am now without transport outside of my mother's good graces. 
          Please just wish me the best, I'm already praying for a miracle.


@JasonTheRedHood Oof bro... Wish I was there to help ya.


Just realized something completely criminal on my part, I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING DC PUBLISHED! I'm gonna put up some Bio chapters for new ideas and pray to God I get the time and willpower to make chapters for them. I've got some good ideas, too! Four DC characters will be used as love interests, in four different stories (harem isn't my thing, AT ALL). I may think of more.