
Hi everyone, sorry I've not posted updates for a while now. 
          	I relocated to be closer to mum and family, she was really ill and wet were considering operation.
          	So I needed to help her run the family business to take a lot of stress off of her. 
          	But I have more me time now and will post new updates biweekly now.


Hi everyone, sorry I've not posted updates for a while now. 
          I relocated to be closer to mum and family, she was really ill and wet were considering operation.
          So I needed to help her run the family business to take a lot of stress off of her. 
          But I have more me time now and will post new updates biweekly now.



Hi everyone, I see wattpad is bursting with so much activity lately. I'm happy to announce that I'll be posting the next part to my story... 'The reluctant hero' by tomorrow evening. And it promises to be full of fun,  action and more. See y'all in a bit!!! 


Hi everyone, here's a new chapter to 'The reluctant Jeri's hope you enjoy it. The next chapter is already being written. Please vote and comment. I love hearing your thoughts on the scenes,  the characters,  and anything you'd like to comment about. Thanks for reading!!! 
          I just published "Chapter 8...Stalker mode activated!! " of my story "The Beginning ". https://www.wattpad.com/1228952731?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=JayMarvel&wp_originator=zkkKmivu5OWr1n2RjdCM%2BWt6qAa37D6ycpmcGTIZ7ThV0X9IVo0fvV0U2PxUr6El09qVtJqkCE5vPkqaiVmwciX7yQ2kZlweNU7dw9ozPzCLZOKHIWFrxnTETc5Ro%2Fah