
I'm at school guys I low-key wanna off myself hahah kys(keep yourself safe)


Dear god help me I'm in love with this guy named victor and i really like him he's everything but the problem is we rarely talk and he's good at drawing and once i was drawing during a break and he came over to look at my drawings and he even looked at a sketch book of mine and laughed when he saw one of my drawing i made to make myself laugh hes super smart and i think he wants to be an architect or engineer like me and he's not the most handsome guy to exist but he kinda looks like calum hood and hes pretty tall too and its just so bad bcs one of my friends(not really,just someone i talk to)has a crush on him too and i don't want to hurt her i just want him i cant stop thinking about him everytime i look at something he just comes to my mind like what do i do