
Hi all! Enjoy the next section.
          	Also, I've been working on an amazing website that seeks to promote unity, peace and equality through art! Check it out!


Yeehar! Another section online! That makes four chapters, which pretty much marks the halfway point of the book! I'd love to know what you think, what you like and what isn't working for you. 
          And of course I'd like your votes as well, if you're feeling generous ;)


Hello  people of the good life! As my birthday has just come and gone I thought I'd put up another section of my book, for you to enjoy! (They do say that giving is more pleasurable than getting ). I hope you enjoy it and I'd love to know what you think.


Hello people of the good life! Another  section is up and this one's a doozy! (Do people even say that anymore?)
          Enjoy and please let me know what you think! After all, we can't improve if we don't know what we're doing wrong.


Hey! Hope January is treating you well and you're managing to live up your expectations! To help you along, here is another section of Murder the Heroes, with Imp and Angel once again ready to comment on goings on.
          Want me to review your work and offer critique? Ask and yea shall receive!