
danm, that chapter tho... gonna be honest, at first i didnt like it, but now.... i ship fyack. yes i just thought of that so my bad if its real. absolutely amazing!!!! and also, thatnks for helping me out on my story, and maybe if you're still rwafing it you could give me some ideas.... im running dry, but im gonna do at least 1 story a day. thanks for that awesome story and supporting mine, and i hope to talk to you soon :)


            Hey sorry for the late response, haven't checked my notifications in awhile.
            Thanks! Glad you liked it, I'm getting mixed responses right now so it's great to know that you ended up liking it.
            I like your story, its pretty cute and original :) I honestly think you should slow it down a little, you shouldn't have to force yourself to write, let the ideas come naturally. What I always do is put myself in their situation, how would I feel, what would i do, how would I react. If it seems forced to you, then it probably is to your readers too.
            Make sure its creative too, don't just do what everyone else is doing.
            I really look forward to your future parts, just remember to slow down so that it's not forced :)


hey, i wanted to say thanks for the constructive critisism, and used it to make finn worried, make sure to read soulmates for that :)


            Awe you're new chapter is cute :)
            Only thing that I'd have to say is to look out for switching point of views too often, I see the appeal in making sure you get both sides of the story, but make sure you don't lose the plot just because you want the character's thoughts to be known, a little mystery is always good.
            Keep writing, I'm really looking forward to your next chapter!


hey, ive thought about what you said and i decided that ill make my own but maybe with your help? ive uploaded my first chapter and maybe you could check it out before you go


            Just read it, I like the concept that you're going for! There was just a few grammatical errors that I noticed, but nothing that you need to worry  about to change.
            One tip of where I see a lot of writers of wrong; they rush the relationship too much. For me, it took them only 5 chapters to actually get together, but I made sure there were time lapses, and it felt longer just because it took me forever to write it.
            So anyway, don't rush a romance, make sure it comes naturally, no that that's what you were doing, but it's where I see a lot of people go wrong.
            Keep it up, I'm excited to read your next part :)


hey, so i read that you might give up the fack story, the one with a fack and jyatt mix, maybe i could take over if you want? i dunno like i love it, and i dont want it to end, yay know? well, of course its up to you, hope you read and respond thx :)


            Hi, the only work I have so far is A Fack Story, which I am ending soon, but mostly because the story's going to be done, so I'm going to making a new one. If you wanna continue with a new plot once I've finished my plan, I'm all for it, just message me about what your thinking and I'll tell you bout how I feel.
            Thank you for reading my story and messaging, it really means a lot! Also, I'm totally open to suggestions on A Fack Story, if you have any ideas you want written but don't wanna do it yourself, I' more than willing :)
            Thanks again!