
I’ve officially started writing kidnapped love again I didn’t put face claims to the children I just to know is that something you wanted the two adult characters have there’s but would you guys like face claims for the children as well?


hii! i wanted to say thank you and i wanted to let you know that i will be deleting all my books and just starting over some might be re-written i just hate them so i decided to just to re-due everything so srry


@Jentocrazy Hey so i just got done reading i think it is reallly good so far but i hope u dont plan on having James be poor forever i want james to like find someone cute maybe james can like be a bottom i think that would be good for him so he can get of that loving but yea i like so far keep going!


@Jentocrazy omg!!! thanks for letting me know i will be sure to like check it out rn i have not been on here in a while so sorry but yea i will.


@Sheashea336 hi boo! I just posted chapters to ' kings queen ' it just has a new chapter. If you’d like check it out and tell me what you think 


Y’all I be trying to force a book out of myself so I can give y’all something to read and I don’t be having any ideas. I’m so sorry that it’s taking so long but if you guys have any ideas even with sequels to my last book or rewrites let me know ❤️