
I usually use my laptop to write on Wattpad but it's giving up the ghost (had it since 2019). Google Chrome is partly to blame due to how much battery power is used while consuming it. I backed my Jun fanfic up on my hard drive. I am writing in notebooks now and am saving up for a new laptop. So, the hiatus is extended for a few more months.


I usually use my laptop to write on Wattpad but it's giving up the ghost (had it since 2019). Google Chrome is partly to blame due to how much battery power is used while consuming it. I backed my Jun fanfic up on my hard drive. I am writing in notebooks now and am saving up for a new laptop. So, the hiatus is extended for a few more months.


South African elections are taking place on the 29th of May, a few days after my birthday. Representatives will be chosen at the national, provincial, and municipal level. As a country, we have to do our best to oust the ANC. Who will ally with EFF, MK, and other small groups lusting for the smallest taste of power. The Rainbow Alliance is an anti-ANC coalition group and I would like to urge my South African followers to vote for any of the member parties thereof: ActionSA, the DA, BOSA, the PA.
          Over the weekend, it came to my attention that influencers had to get the youth to register to vote. I'm not a fan of content creators in general as some of them are sketchy and narcissistic. This is a lone instance of me respecting influencers. Which begs the question, how did it get this far? The grandparents and parents of the youth fought for the right to vote, losing their life or their freedom. And young people in South Africa just ignore that. They won't vote but they are the first to complain about load shedding, unemployment, water shedding, high crime rates, the expenses of tertiary education, the high cost of public transport, health facilities inadequately staffed and resourced, the ever-increasing cost of fuel, the poor quality of food sold at exorbitant prices, bank manipulation, the high cost of mobile data, natural disasters brought on by climate change, water pollution, closing down of tourist attractions, among others.
          I start looking at how other countries are getting rid of voter apathy. Japanese polling stations provide free ramen to the youth. In Thailand, it's a fineable offence not to vote. Which approach will work best for South Africa? Carrot or stick? I do not know. What I do know is that each vote counts. "One voice is enough to make sleeping giants wake up": Thousand Foot Krutch, Untraveled Road. I'm doing my part to change the governing regime in my country. Are you?


Gregorian New Year has passed. The Lunar New Year of the Dragon has passed. It has me reflecting on how I have changed as my 30th birthday approaches. 
          I honestly feel that I have become more introverted. I don't engage with people unless it's necessary (Pokemon Go players in Tongaat, my family). Even checking in on my friends feels like I'm bothering them. What level of depression is this, I ask as therapy is expensive. 
          Being me is tiresome. I live in Tongaat. A month ago, there was a flash flood, causing a mud slide in the parking lot of the apartment complex I live in. Spent half a day with the other occupants getting the mud out. Professional cleaners only arrived at 2PM on a Sunday. They were called at 8AM. It was sorted out but there are lingering inconveniences. We have water shortages quite often. But it's not just my town but the country in general.


My mum, brother and I are moving into a new apartment. After a year of being so angry, I considered po1son1ng people and depressed, I considered po1son1ng myself, I feel like I can breathe again. Publishing the Jun update early since I'll be busy packing and cleaning. Enjoy


Due to a change in my political stance, I will be deleting my BTS fics (google Operation Dudula). I used to be naive but after seeing my beautiful country fall apart at the hands of illegal immigrants and the government, who was supposed to prevent this, I've become a patriot who others call "xenophobic"



@KamoheloGNtoi Wattpad is a worldwide platform for publishing books and you choose to post that you are a delusional little girl. I have never met your boyfriend in real life because I am busy being a lawyer while you are bored at home because you're unemployed. Do better bae x


@KamoheloGNtoi friendless? I have work friends as well as a boyfriend. Projection much?


@KamoheloGNtoi your boyfriend unblocks me and says that you need psychiatric help. That you used to be in a psychiatric ward. So yes, you are delusional and I'm not afraid to call you out on it. As a lawyer, I deal with people who need psychiatric help because they are delusional.
            I know it is difficult for you to understand because you lack mental capacity but adults can have FRIENDSHIPS. I sent your boyfriend links to Which is a news site. I call you delusional because you think that's me trying to get in his pants.
            You called me a weirdo because I'm bi? Wow, that's homophobic. As I said, get a job because annoying me online is the online way your desperate ass gets attention.


@JeonJudisu Big lawyer girl are one of many!!! Get out of my relationship!


I unpublished the maknae line fanfics so I can improve them, They might be republished next year


@KamoheloGNtoi if I'm causing pain, you must be very weak


@JeonJudisu relationship alone. Judith you can't be on social media to stir up people's lives! 
            Leave us alone and go find a prince charming! Please leave my are causing pain! Leave us alone. Leave my man alone please