
@mechanicalanimals AWWW D: what day and what restaurant??


@Jeordie So you WERE at Cafe 2300??


@Jeordie Crap I get those two mixed up man... I was still looking for you though. :...D


@mechanicalanimals Blue Bonnet Caffe is actually in Marble Falls. :(( But we have Cafe 2300 in my town, are you sure it wasn't that??


@mechanicalanimals AWWW D: what day and what restaurant??


@Jeordie So you WERE at Cafe 2300??


@Jeordie Crap I get those two mixed up man... I was still looking for you though. :...D


@mechanicalanimals Blue Bonnet Caffe is actually in Marble Falls. :(( But we have Cafe 2300 in my town, are you sure it wasn't that??


Soooo...I saw Soundgarden and Nine Inch Nails last night and for the most part, I am complete. :D Haha, they were SO much better than I expected them to be, especially NIN. Absolute worth the 105-110 degree weather and my TERRIBLE stomach ache. They were absolutely amazing and I almost died when Trent ran out, and then Chris Vrenna. I've now seen one of my top 3 favorite bands. (: And they played my favorite ("Gave Up") and all the best ones..."Came Back Haunted" was great and I kept imagining my story in the part Zim leaves the first time while they're at the NIN concert during that song. Hahaha.


So last night, I DID dress up all country for the concert...but it was so worth it. I got to see one of my absolute favorite singers/actors, Dwight Yoakam...y'all know I hate country music with the exception of two bands/singers, and Dwight is one of them (and the most country of ANY country singers, haha). He is such a talented man, I don't care who you are, everybody's got to love Dwight, and he loves everyone. He's the kind who if I'd dressed goth (normal for me), he wouldn't see me as any different from the rest of the crowd. He's funny, sarcastic, honorary, and that's probably why I love him so much, haha. I've looked up to him as an inspiration and huge influence for about six years now, and I almost cried several times last night, seeing as I not only got to see him in concert, but got to be in the very front row possible, 20 feet from him at the most. He played for two hours straight, until 12:30, something not a lot of musicians even do anymore. It was so amazing.


"Yes, Aaron, it's true. Pharaoh has the power. He can take away your food, your home, your freedom. He can take away your sons and daughters. With one word, Pharaoh can take away your very lives. But there is one thing he cannot take away from you: your faith."
          I. Love. This. Movie.