
Ok everyone I need help I'm doing marvel x oc with a dc characters thing but I don't know who the love interest should be the character is blue beetle but different and I'm thinking Black Widow what you guys think?


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So i just finished the diseny plus show Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and I love the way they did the origin with out retelling the death of uncle ben. Now I don't like what it has done with a few things but other then that it's fucking amazing. After watching it my mind is cooking something up I'm gonna be making a miles inspired oc to this as my story idea i have and it will be a harem and I think you guy's will like it and if don't then no judgment cause i know not all my storys are good but anyway until then see ya.


Ok everyone so i have a question for you if you were to a marvel crossover with something and make a Avengers in that world as well how would you do it. Cause I'm doing it with DC now here's my question would you do the story's for all of them in one story or would you make sperate story's for each until you make the full Avengers one let me know and that is what i will be doing.
          P.S: I watched Captain Amercia BNW(Brave New World) and I loved it great movie.


Working on a story that is final fantasy related it will have all the final fantasy stuff like the gods will be the same the animals like Chocobos. Now this will be a little different cause in does involve crystals but they are not matria and it has nothing to do with the crystals in ff16 either.


Ok so I have a story in the works its bleach related now here I want you guys to vote.
          1 for harem
          2 for single
          3 small harem like 4 or five girls