
Hey y'all,
          	Chapter 8 is officially out!
          	As some fun behind-the-scenes info, while I was looking for location inspiration, I happened to find a real place in the world that perfectly fit what I'd envisioned... in pretty much the same spot I'd imagined. Thanks, Google Maps.
          	Anyway, feel free to check the location out here after you've finished reading the newest chapter:,-3.2217633,3a,75y,260.35h,85.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sogB182kYz1ludF5zPghP5w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
          	If you have the time, you could take the route all the way from Aberdeen to this location via Google Map's Street view to see what Rae saw 
          	I hope you had/are having/will have a lovely Easter/Passover/Hanami Season/Nowruz (forgive me if I don't know about your particular springtime holiday.)  


Will do! We had a Happy Easter thanks! :)


Hey y'all,
          Chapter 8 is officially out!
          As some fun behind-the-scenes info, while I was looking for location inspiration, I happened to find a real place in the world that perfectly fit what I'd envisioned... in pretty much the same spot I'd imagined. Thanks, Google Maps.
          Anyway, feel free to check the location out here after you've finished reading the newest chapter:,-3.2217633,3a,75y,260.35h,85.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sogB182kYz1ludF5zPghP5w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
          If you have the time, you could take the route all the way from Aberdeen to this location via Google Map's Street view to see what Rae saw 
          I hope you had/are having/will have a lovely Easter/Passover/Hanami Season/Nowruz (forgive me if I don't know about your particular springtime holiday.)  


Will do! We had a Happy Easter thanks! :)


Hey y'all, I'm back at it again. If you haven't seen it yet, Chapter 7 is out!
          I'm doing a lot of worldbuilding/story work on Campfire Writing, so for as long as I have this smidge of free time, I'm gonna work on it.
          I hope you're all doing well out there.


@Jessi_Izar really excited