
Dear Everyone,
          	I hope the new year has been treating all of you well so far. I’d say be good children and don’t sin, but I know y’all can’t help it. Also, please halt all questions about me reading smut for I do not.. I only respond to those who shall call me upon my name. Speaking of smut, no Harry Styles will not have sex with you Gretchen. Please know that you deserve someone that will actually bless you with beautiful children; children that will be summoned by the name of the Lord. Anyway, Happy Aquarius season (or “szn” as you all say) and stay tuned for more Jeezy updates! 


@JesusChristOfficial       Dear Jesus Christ,
          	  Please purify me, for I have seen something I wish I had not seen. Please forgive my sins.  
          	  Hai lMary
          	  Full of grace
          	  Bless it our thou
          	  among children 
          	  and bless it is the fruit
          	  of thi womb  Jesus  
          	  Hail Mary, Mother of God
          	  Pray for my sinners now
          	  and after the hour of my death, 


@JesusChristOfficial look at my following list =)