
it's late at night and putting these here cause i'm not get much more of a response than saying these things to my contacts, y'all probably find me annoyin. 
          	Anyways I just wanna know what the whole competitive cup stakin stuff was back in P.E. in elementary, i'm not sure if other people did this but we had to stake them as fast as possible and I don't know how this had anything to with P.E.


@Jewel_Dragon  I did that at my old school and we had like a team for it and they wold go to other schools and and play against them


it's late at night and putting these here cause i'm not get much more of a response than saying these things to my contacts, y'all probably find me annoyin. 
          Anyways I just wanna know what the whole competitive cup stakin stuff was back in P.E. in elementary, i'm not sure if other people did this but we had to stake them as fast as possible and I don't know how this had anything to with P.E.


@Jewel_Dragon  I did that at my old school and we had like a team for it and they wold go to other schools and and play against them


I use slang that has been dead for 20 years+, this thought lives rent free in my head and I have an art project due tomorrow night


Example 1: I call everyone dude, I am hated a lot for said reason (dudette isn't a word, suck it up you blonde middle aged karen who's probably from new york, dude can be used as a boy and girl word)


Someone screwed with my entire district's internet, so the one class I take has been screwed with cause we need internet to do anything in the class


@nanabel2010 it's fixed now so that's good lol


why is it every time I think it'd be a good idea to look for something on amazon, there's always a lot bad reviews like "THIS IS A PEICE OF S****" "DON'T BUY THIS IT BREAKS IN 2 SECONDS." 
          like i just want some foam nun chucks man it shouldn't be this difficult to find stuff that actually works p-p