this message may be offensive
Hi everyone, I'm going through some shit right now, because I'm really stressed out. I'm also at my worst right now, I cut myself and whenever something bad happens, I wished I was the one that got hurt, because I deserve it. It doesn't help either that my best friend in years just 'dumped' me, saying that since we knew each other, I've become an exact copy of her. All this time I thought I had finally made a friend that I can stay with for a longer time. All this time I thought she was happy to have known me. All this time I've fooled myself. Yes, I really loved her as a friend, but that is over now. I don't want to contact her ever again, her number is out of my phone and I left the dance crew I was previously in. She got me in to k-pop too, and that's the reason I'm telling you guys all of this. I'm going to quit with everything k-pop related. I'm going to delete this account and another one I created some time ago, and you won't hear from me again. I thought k-pop was one of the very few things in my life that made me want to stay here, to keep living, but in the end, it only hurt me more. What's left of my life that makes me want to stay on this earth? Nothing. I don't have real friends, my parents make it look like they care more about my grades than myself, my sister, parents and 'friends' are completely done with me because of my constant k-pop rant and there's no one left who cares about me. The one I'm talking about, she knows damn fucking well that I'm talking about her, and I have only one thing to say to you: You might as well die, cause you're fucking dead to me, bitch.