
Hello this is YanderousOtaku. I have seen you last active on my most recent story "sinful little pleasures" so in case youre still interested in reading my works, here's my new account. My last one got deleted by wattpad :( 
          To the pleasure of seeing you in my comments once more!


Can I just- take a moment to appreciate your book? Yknow, the one with a system. I think the title was To My Heart's Desire..? Yeah something like that. Anddddd I just wanna say that I love how you wrote it goshhhh( ≧Д≦)<333 it's really rare to find stories that is an x reader and has yandere world hopping stuff and plot. So I'm really glad I found your book muehehe✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ P.S. I don't usually write messages to authors like this unless I really like their book( ꈍᴗꈍ) keep it up and pls don't stress urself<3 Health is the most important after all. Best wishes, dear author!❤️✨


@gelainess AAHHH! THANK YOU! You're too nice eheheh
            Yes!! I'm glad that you really like my story and the way I write :D
            Tbh I wasn't really expecting for my story to blow up and have such cuties like you that support me ( 〃▽〃) But now that actually happened, I'm really glad I started writing!
            Thank you once again~ Best wishes to you too ehe


Hello! I just wanna ask if you have a schedule on when you're gonna update? I just finished your book called 'to my heart's desire' and I'm already inlove with it! And I cant wait till the next chapter comes out. I hope you are doing great ^^


@Aikxchiii Hi!! I normally update within 3 days, but since my schedule these days is pretty tight, I had to take a bit more time to update one chapter. When I'm busy, I always try my best to update within a week! 
            Thank you for reading and enjoying my story~~  I also hope for the best to you!