
did something. And I don't regret it. I showed my two year old niece BTS music. And then as a joke i showed her the photobooks that go with the albums that I own and I tried teaching her the members. Guess what. She only know's V. But I'm shook. Because I can now pull up almost any picture of this man, and she will say "V!" in her cute little two year old voice. I think my sister is going to kill me.


did something. And I don't regret it. I showed my two year old niece BTS music. And then as a joke i showed her the photobooks that go with the albums that I own and I tried teaching her the members. Guess what. She only know's V. But I'm shook. Because I can now pull up almost any picture of this man, and she will say "V!" in her cute little two year old voice. I think my sister is going to kill me.


Are you ever just chillin in bed late at night and suddenly you're just like "Damn, I'm so hungry right now. Maybe I will go find some food quietly." and then proceed just to lay there not moving, despite the fact that you are hungry? No? Just me? Aight that's cool.


ALRIGHT EVERYBODY LISTEN UP!!!! Last night I watched a REALLY good movie and I want you to watch it and give me your feedback! Its called Perks of Being a Wallflower! If you have already seen it, then please tell me your opinion on it, and if you haven't, you can find it on Netflix! PLEASE watch this movie you guys!! It makes you feel all of the emotions but it's just so good!! I won't ruin anything for you!!! And when you are done, feel free to respond to this and tell me what you thought about it!


so umm... I got big news... MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP!!! On May 21st, I will be turning 17! So uh yeah just thought I would let you all know... but if your birthday is close to mine, then let me know and I will send you a happy birthday wish or something!


So you guys I have a favor to ask of you. I had just started writing another new book and It would be great if you would go check it out. It is my own personal story and I had been debating on posting it. please go read it and tell me what you think, and feel free to leave comments on it and vote. Also, my best friend has also started writing a story called Penny For Your Thoughts. go check it out. It is a super good story so far and she is a great writer. @TaehyungsGirl_95 . please go read both stories! Alright I love you guys thank you!


Alright you guys i need your opinion on something. It has been on my mind lately and I want to know what you all think about it. I am planning on finding my old Furby that has been in my garage for the past couple of years. Should I go along with this plan? I mean I really want to so if I do, I might make a book about some of the creepy Furby updates so you all know what is going on. I haven'e played with the thing in a couple of years and I am kinda worried but at the same time excited to play with it again.


If you really want to find your furry, then do it! They’re really interesting, and if you have an idea for a story, you should do that as well! I’d love to check it out ❤️ 