
REVISION ALERT: I've completely revised my Prologue and first chapter of "Eve Immortal." Hope you all enjoy the new changes! 
          	And please remember to vote if you like the new versions! I wasn't thinking, and uploaded these as brand new chapters; all my previous votes and comments were deleted when I did so. Opps! =(


REVISION ALERT: I've completely revised my Prologue and first chapter of "Eve Immortal." Hope you all enjoy the new changes! 
          And please remember to vote if you like the new versions! I wasn't thinking, and uploaded these as brand new chapters; all my previous votes and comments were deleted when I did so. Opps! =(


UPDATE ALERT: "Eve Immortal - Chapter 14: War" 
          Eve learns why the werewolves are chasing her, and about Tarja's (and her own) Immortal powers.

          NOTE: I struggled a little in writing this chapter; any comments/thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Do I give too much information all at once? Would you prefer a little more mystery? Or is there still plenty there to make you keep turning the page? Thanks!! =)


I absolutely love the new cover to "Eve Immortal"! :) It looks wonderful!


Wow, (cheers) that's amazing! I have yet to know what my major is going to be, I'm still in High School. :c


@Narutard21 My major was Graphic Design, so I have a few skillz with Photoshop. ;-)


You're lucky that you're able to do such things -- I have no skill in the field of editing -- because you don't have to request for others to do it for you. c: