
@JohnHolt1943 @JohnHolt1943 
          	Hey John. I d have Epdemic in my kindle. I started to read it, but life got busy, and I haven't had time to finish it. Presently I'm trying to get permission from Michael Phelps to use his photo on the cover of a story about him. I'm also doing some political stuff, as per the Deal Politician letter. N finally, I'm workin on finishin my first fiction story. So as ya can see, there ain't enough hours in the day...


@JohnHolt1943 @JohnHolt1943 
          Hey John. I d have Epdemic in my kindle. I started to read it, but life got busy, and I haven't had time to finish it. Presently I'm trying to get permission from Michael Phelps to use his photo on the cover of a story about him. I'm also doing some political stuff, as per the Deal Politician letter. N finally, I'm workin on finishin my first fiction story. So as ya can see, there ain't enough hours in the day...