
Yo Jolee, those libraries you name are lols, I love it, and thx for supporting my book!


@JoleeHarding lol same feels


@Jwcwwd I could understand that, but I love little cliffhangers, I gust don't like win the author don't update in years and at the end of the last chapter it says they will update the week after.


@JoleeHarding thx, it's hard to come up wit a decent script when the readers want a chapter right away.


Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for the follow and I followed you back. I read your one story Knee Socks that’s not yet finished and I really liked it. Definitely spoke to me and I would love you to finish it, but I’m a writer too and I know certain stories need that extra time to get it just right. You will get there and be able to finish. I cannot wait, but I will wait for it to be just the right ending ❤️ You can check out my stories as well! Two are completed (they are a part of a series) and I’m now working on two more. The one I will start posting soon. It’s called Love In Quarantine. Hope you enjoy my stories as well! Thanks for your support