
actually i’m just gonna fully rewrite not gay into something i think you guys will really like. it’s gonna be based off my experience and like y’all aren’t ready. 


i’ll keep the original up for those who like that still and just make a whole new one for the new not gay. it’ll still be joshler tho


actually i’m just gonna fully rewrite not gay into something i think you guys will really like. it’s gonna be based off my experience and like y’all aren’t ready. 


i’ll keep the original up for those who like that still and just make a whole new one for the new not gay. it’ll still be joshler tho


yike none of you will ever see this but hi! i’m back after like 4 years lmao. basically lost all motivation to write anything anymore because it felt forced because the topic just wasn’t of interest but i re downloaded wattpad after a good emo throw back last night and honestly i think i’m ready to finish not gay. 


I'm totally loosing interest in joshler but I think that's because like I've read so many stories that kinda have the same plot or theme that it got boring. Like I don't even wanna finish my stories. I'll finish 1 out of them and you guys can pick which one. Maybe I'll get back into it and I'll have these stories to finish by that time. I'm sorry. I've gotten into more ships and music like I still love twenty one pilots just not joshler anymore.


@JoshlerTho how one not ship joshler?