
So I know I've been a crappy author lately with delayed updates but here's my game plan for the next little bit...
          	1) Finish The Ties That Bind
          	2) Finish A Blue Line Family
          	3) Finish Home Sweet Home
          	4) Take requests for new stories you want me to write
          	This will all be happening in that order so please please please be patient and thanks for reading my stuff! I love you all!!! 


I came across ur profile and omg ur description is adorable!I haven't seen one of my best friends in years.  Let me count... 6 years.  He was amazing, I wouldn't say I'm IN love, but I love him.


 Well, I just have to wait and see if I will ever be in his presence again...


@DbzMasterKake21 i am happy and im young too. He might be someone you never expected. Trust me


@Kayla_Rochelle aww, you must be really happy!  I'm young so I still have yet to wait till I find my special someone.


So I know I've been a crappy author lately with delayed updates but here's my game plan for the next little bit...
          1) Finish The Ties That Bind
          2) Finish A Blue Line Family
          3) Finish Home Sweet Home
          4) Take requests for new stories you want me to write
          This will all be happening in that order so please please please be patient and thanks for reading my stuff! I love you all!!! 


Hey guys!!! So, I know not many people get on and read what I say and put but you all should so go read Reality is a Nightmare by PierceTheVeilGirl_17. Please, please, please and vote!!! She's an awesome author and an even better friend!


Hey guys! I know I disappeared off the face of the earth but my old laptop wasn't working too well anymore!!! I'm now able to return to my writing because I got a new laptop and can actually access the internet!!! So be on the look out for many, many updates to all of my stories and maybe even a few new ones.