I love anime 💙
Mum finds out that I have wattpad = 💀 🔪

Dating: anime characters(Cant choose one 😔)

I'm a weird human being so if you want to be my friend then you have to accept me or be just as weird as me ✌🏼️✨ (reading this in 2022 got me going 😨🤢 CRINGE. But I'll leave it bcs why not)

Shameless, teen wolf, elite, sex education and money heist are 💙

If you want to start with an anime, watch boku no pico ☺️💙 it's such a good anime starter and just wholesome over wholesome content. and it also let's you get to know more about the anime world 👏🏼🤩 trust me on this.

And Um yhh that's all 😙✌️
  • Under your blanket 🌚
  • انضمOctober 27, 2019

الرسالة الأخيرة
Juicy_ankles69 Juicy_ankles69 Jul 03, 2022 03:38PM
^ Don't scroll down if you don't want stranger things spoilers 
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