
Hello!! It has been over a year since I have actually done any work on either of my stories and I apologize for that. I'm helping my friend @Evan_Simms write a new original story called "Handsome Young Man" and will be centered around LGBTQ+ characters and you should all go and check that out as soon as he has the first chapter published!


Hello!! It has been over a year since I have actually done any work on either of my stories and I apologize for that. I'm helping my friend @Evan_Simms write a new original story called "Handsome Young Man" and will be centered around LGBTQ+ characters and you should all go and check that out as soon as he has the first chapter published!


It's been a while since I've posted on this account, but I wanted y'all to go check out this LGBT author on this site called @Evan_Simms. He's really cool and we've bonded over our last names as well as our backgrounds in the LGBT community so I highly suggest that y'all go check him out.


I have been tagged by @umayma2015 to share five interesting things about myself.
          1. I want to double major in theater and lighting design when I go to college
          2. I'm a total mess and can't find anything in the disaster that I call my room but everything has to be organized at school or I'm a wreck
          3. I prefer to read physical copies of books (wattpad is my only exception)
          4. I'm an only child at home, but the eldest when I visit the other half of my family halfway across the country
          5. I'm a very impatient person
          I'm not going to tag anyone but feel free to do this as well.


I've decided that I might be exploring a new story idea in the near future! Now that school has started up again, I'm absolutely flooded with homework and theater auditions and meetings. I'm sorry if I haven't been updating as much as you guys hoped, but I am trying really hard to come up with new stuff that all of you will love.


I need y'all to tell me the truth. Which of my stories do you guys wish I updated more? I need to know. I want you guys to be happy with my writing and it would help if you told me what you want more of. 


@umayma2015 I'll be sure to work on it!


@Julia_Simms I really want you to update the Angels of Chaos.


Hello followers! I feel so bad about not updating anything in like forever. Please just hold on a bit longer. I promise a new chapter in the next week or so, I swear! Thank you for all your support and just hold on there!


Isn't it weird that you've read all the stories I've read?


@Julia_Simms  You're probably right. But there is very few people in this world that have the same taste as me. I read Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus and only Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus.


@umayma2015 Not at all. It just means we have similar tastes in literature.