
Mirrors' chapter 1 has been posted! Go read it to know something more about the new character.
          	If you like it, please leave a comment and vote it, I'd greatly appreciate that C:


Ciao, Selenix , e grazie per aver seguito noi, gli stratomitici Cactus di Fuoco, scrittori di ogni genere e per ogni lettore! Speriamo davvero che le nostre storie, dalle più cupe alle più stravaganti, siano di tuo gusto, speriamo di entusiasmarti, ispirarti o magari anche solo strapparti un sorriso. 
          Un abbraccio spinoso (e delicato)
          -I Cactus di Fuoco


Hey I just wanted to let you know I read your story and I think its really good. The only suggestion I have is maybe writing a bit more each chapter and to make really good descriptions on what's happening or what people are thinking. Other than that I think its good and you should just keep updating. 


@Cherrypop455  Heyy! A big thank you to you, I'm so happy that you liked my story. Thanks for the advices too, I'm still not much used to write chapters all in english but I'll do my best to make them longer! 
            Thank you again :D