
Rest in peace Jonghyun~ We love you so much~ 


Hey Tiff... We haven't talked in a while. I really missed you... Ya know? How's life treating you? *chuckles sadly* but knowing you, its probably treating you terribly like always... 


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@Jungkookiefcksme, I don't know Tiff... It hurts me to come on here and see your profile... You don't deserve to get your heart broken. I was a asshole and I can't take it back now... Just know I love you and I'm sorry. I'll stay, but I won't be on a lot...


Happy birthday to the most handsomest baby boy Jungkook! I hope your wishes come true and may you stay healthy forever! Eat a lot and smile~ stay cute, sexy and handsome! You mean the world to me and a lot of other people too~ Saranghae! ❤


boi i just realize you didnt follow me back....
          MIRA PUNITA!!!!


*coughs* *coughs*


this message may be offensive
@yaboydidi MIRA PUNITA (laughing my fucking ass off right now XD)




Congratulations to BTS for winning the Top Social Artist Award! I'm so proud of them & all of us A.R.M.Y's out there~ Teamwork made the dream work! They've come so far and they sure as hell deserved that award! I couldn't be more proud of them~ A.R.M.Y's we made this happen so never forget that we all came as one and united as a fandom and made this happen! BTS & A.R.M.Y's, we're a team, we're a family, and we're a fandom... We will always be there for them & BTS will do the same~ I'm so proud of all of us A.R.M.Y's for making this possible~ The BBMA's award was what represented us last night, it showed how strong of a fandom we are~ BTS, the very first Kpop group to ever come onto Billboard Music Awards & they won is amazing, let this day live on & let's keep rising to the top~ BTS & A.R.M.Y's, we ALL deserved that award last night and there's no amount of words that can explain the happiness of A.R.M.Y's & BTS~ thank you for making this happen! Let BTS be a role model for other groups! Let's keep making history that will never get old! Thank you! STRONG POWER THANK YOU! ❤


BBMA's Tonight! 1 hour 19 minutes and 15 seconds to go!
          I just want to say goodluck to all the bands/solo artists at the billboard event tonight! Anything can happen tonight but no matter what happens, we have to show good sportsmanship! Whatever happens tonight we smile and stay strong! This is what we've all waited for (including BTS) This is what we fought for! This is what may represent BTS & A.R.M.Y's around the world! BTS has all brought us together so let's not fail them! Let's make tonight amazing & unforgettable! STRONG POWER THANK YOU!!! FIGHTING ARMYS!!!