
I still take requests for people who want to have a fanfic of  YOU and your fav idol or kpop group! Just comment down below of who you want to be in it with you!


Hey guys! Its Author-nim and i just wanna say thank you for reading gym fics. I do try my best to upload but sometimes my schedule doesn't work out but when i turn 13 (Yes i am only 12 and I'm writing fan fix XD) on July 3rd i promise tht after that day ill try to post daily or at least 3 times a week! And don't stop reading cuz you think I'm too young cuz I'm pretty mature for my age! but if you would like something different on my page than please just say so down below! 
                                                                                               Love you guys! -Author-nim Isabella


Hey! Yup its me Isabella. Im sorry that i haven't been updating and tbh i haven't updated in a month which is crazy and i can't update at all for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday due to the fact that i have several tests coming up for school and im just really busy with my school life right now but i hope that i will be able to update on this Thursday (Thanksgiving day) and/or this Friday or this weekend. That is my goal, but i can't promise that i can. BUT I SRSLY WILL TRY TO! please keep supporting the fanfics that i have written so  far  and i will update them ASAP. 
                                                                                                         Thanks! - Author-nim Isabella


Hello my lovely followers and reader~ i just want to say a short message: Thank you for supporting my stories and reading them. I can't believe it's been 1 year already! I'm literally in tears while writing this T^T . Thank you so much for everything and expect more stories in the future!                                   ♡ -Author Isabella