
Hi, so I was chosen by                        to be the assistant girl in charge and to inform you when to update when she doesn't get the chance to. I really hope that all the articles would be handed in on time. I am a human being, so I know how stressful and busy life can be atimes. if you have any reason for not handing over your chapter on time, then tell me or         through PM and we'll see if we can extend the period. here are the topics :
          Weirdowhoiscool: (Random)
          ReadingRunner_X : Responsibility
          EMSquared : dealing with Pain and depression
          AudenK : fitness routines
          MysticalFighter : (random)
          Aliceliddel : Getting over an ex
          Yalianne13 (that's me) : improving your writing
          if you have any questions about your topic, or want a Change of topic, then feel free to PM me. These should be submitted on 29/3/15 and deadline 5/4/15. thanks