
A few announcements to bog down your notifications:
          	My ONC entry Bay's Wish is complete and submitted. I certainly didn't expect to finish it on time, seeing as I didn't write it to win. I wrote more for the challenge of doing something quicker than normal and outside the realm of my typical story. So that's at least something.
          	In other news, somehow Anna has surpassed 10,000 views??? I don't know how or why, but it happened. I know it's not much, but the fact that anyone has actually chosen to read something I wrote on their own free will is mind-blowing. I'm not even going to ask how many of those views are from me. Thank you to everyone who's read even half a chapter <3
          	Wishing everyone a fun, relaxing, productive, etc. weekend!


@Ink3dverse thank you so much <3 can't wait for the next book club assignment to start back up so we can be paired again!


@laurendoubleu you're literally too kind. Thank you :')


@JustAWannabeWriter30 that's such a great news Kate! Congratulations ♡♡
          	  Can't wait to read Bay's wish... 
          	  Also, Anna deserves much more than just 10k reads. This is just the starting ♡♡


A few announcements to bog down your notifications:
          My ONC entry Bay's Wish is complete and submitted. I certainly didn't expect to finish it on time, seeing as I didn't write it to win. I wrote more for the challenge of doing something quicker than normal and outside the realm of my typical story. So that's at least something.
          In other news, somehow Anna has surpassed 10,000 views??? I don't know how or why, but it happened. I know it's not much, but the fact that anyone has actually chosen to read something I wrote on their own free will is mind-blowing. I'm not even going to ask how many of those views are from me. Thank you to everyone who's read even half a chapter <3
          Wishing everyone a fun, relaxing, productive, etc. weekend!


@Ink3dverse thank you so much <3 can't wait for the next book club assignment to start back up so we can be paired again!


@laurendoubleu you're literally too kind. Thank you :')


@JustAWannabeWriter30 that's such a great news Kate! Congratulations ♡♡
            Can't wait to read Bay's wish... 
            Also, Anna deserves much more than just 10k reads. This is just the starting ♡♡


I'm excited to share that Anna got a facelift and has a new cover. No promises I won't wake up tomorrow morning, decide I hate it, and start all over again. But for now, it is what it is.


@Scarlett_Fox- Thank you. I think I've already updated it twice with small tweaks since posting this, lol. I can never be satisfied, especially when it comes to graphics.


@JustAWannabeWriter30 We'll just have to wait till tomorrow to see. I like it for what it's worth. Very eye-catching.


To anyone who had Anna in their private library, you have my deepest, sincerest apologies for every  single notification (including this one). I thought that if I took it down and made edits offline, there would be a big, easy "publish" button for the whole book, rather than individual chapters. It was not my intention to send you a million notifications. But with that said...
          Anna is live, updated, and complete! For anyone curious, I included a list of edits below, but it’s not comprehensive because just about every chapter has at least some sort of grammatical fix. Please also keep in mind that chapter numbers will not coincide with what they previously were. For example, the current chapter 2 was the previous chapter 1, current chapter 32 was the previous chapter 20, etc. With some chapters rearranged to fit the new plot structure, it’s not all clean cut about picking up where you last left off. If you want to know where you should pick up based on where you left off, just ask.
          Overall changes: added chapters titles, changed Mary’s name to Robin, changes Mackenzie’s name to Stella, updated beginning with additional plot points and more context, updated/somewhat alternate ending, stronger plot structure, new POVs, 18 brand new chapters, and 8 existing chapters rewritten. 
          Brand new chapters: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, 25, 31, 33, 37, 49
          Existing chapters that have been heavily edited or entirely rewritten to accommodate new plot points: 2, 5, 9, 10, 16, 17, 22, 24


@JustAWannabeWriter30 No it does and trust me i get, I am the same way when it comes to explaining lol


@SnowWhite249172 at the point you are, the story is the same regardless. 37 is part of a "tabloid series" I added that only emphasizes the plot, rather than adds to it. But you're also welcome to go back and read the beginning if you want! There would be some recycled content, but you'd pretty much have to read all the way up to 25, plus 31 and 33 to get fully caught up.
            I hope that makes sense. I'm not very good at explaining these things lol


@JustAWannabeWriter30 Gotcha, would it be helpful to go back and read the new additions you have added in before I start back to 34.  I do favorite because i do enjoy the story, but it helps me keep track when go back and read more.


Since my original plan to take down Anna and edit on Tuesday is looking less and less plausible due to a hefty schedule, I am taking it down tonight and will go through all the edits before the morning. Just wanted to give a heads up. I will re-alert when it's live again with a guide to the changes made.


@Scarlett_Fox- Thankfully it didn't take too long. But I have learned that Wattpad apparently lacks a nice "publish all" button.


@JustAWannabeWriter30 Take as long as needed. We'll be here once it's back up.


Important update about Anna's rewrite:
          I'm pulling the story offline on January 30th to make updates and add chapters that will affect the storyline. Then will republish the same day and mark as complete.


@JustAWannabeWriter30 Oh wow! Thanks so much! I look forward to getting back to it next month!


@laurendoubleu since you're on the second chapter, I would honestly suggest waiting! The beginning is going to be 100% different. The chapters that do end up with the same plot points have been rewritten, so nothing up until chapter 4ish will be the same (for reference, the current chapter 4 will be the new chapter 8).


@JustAWannabeWriter30 How exciting! I can hopefully read a little more for ABC this month, but is there any point you recommend I not go pass for the time being?


Me: Finishes the final chapter of Anna.
          Also me: I have an idea for an epilogue. It'll just be a few hundred words.
          Also also me: Accidentally writes another whole ass chapter.
          In case you haven't figure it out, I am stoked, thrilled, and terrified to announce that the final chapter and a bonus epilogue are live. My pen is dry (literally), my notebook is full (also literally), and the cover decided to symbolically fall apart as I scribbled my final thoughts on the last few pages this afternoon. 
          It's been a ride from start to finish, so I want to thank anyone who's played a part at any step of the way. I'm not exactly a good writer. I'm not even a decent writer. So if you stuck it out at any point, I hope you know that I am eternally grateful. 
          Even though the final chapter is published, I'm not going to hit complete just yet. Over the next few months, I'm going back to the beginning to add some much needed context and repair all the fixer-upper chapters (which, let's be honest, is all of them). I'll still be here reading and chatting while I write in the background. There just won't be any updates for a few months as I try to flesh out the elusive second draft.
          Anyway, if you haven't already peaced out from my annoying sentimental rambling, I want to say thank you again. I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing holiday season.


@JustAWannabeWriter30 WOOHOO!!! That's so exciting! And it's a testament to how passionate you are when you just keep writing. Congrats on such an amazing accomplishment, and good luck with editing!


I'm excited to share this interview over on @AstaniaCommunity! Thanks to the awesome admins for choosing me to be a part of this fun interview project. And to have been chosen in the midst of writing the last chapter of Anna is like the cherry on top  


@JustAWannabeWriter30 LOL us writers must use our vivid imaginations to picture the emojis Wattpad can't display


@laurendoubleu I always forget that emojis don't work on here. Pretend there's a little heart and a happy crying face there.


@laurendoubleu you're literally too sweet 