
Reading The Final Choice today so that I can freshen my memory and start writing again. Extra busy since I’m the family chauffeur now, but I miss writing. I think quite a few of you left when I stopped updating it, but hopefully you’ll come back. Anyway, thank you to everyone for all of the support over the past few years. You have no idea how much it means to me. Love ya, have a great day! 


@trinity_honey12 its listed in my bio but you’ll have to go waaaaay back bc I wrote that back in 2018 or 2019 and I posted A LOT back then. Its @samncolby_solby


@Jessie_SnC97 what is your instagram? I want to follow you to stay posted on the story of colby and terra


Reading The Final Choice today so that I can freshen my memory and start writing again. Extra busy since I’m the family chauffeur now, but I miss writing. I think quite a few of you left when I stopped updating it, but hopefully you’ll come back. Anyway, thank you to everyone for all of the support over the past few years. You have no idea how much it means to me. Love ya, have a great day! 


@trinity_honey12 its listed in my bio but you’ll have to go waaaaay back bc I wrote that back in 2018 or 2019 and I posted A LOT back then. Its @samncolby_solby


@Jessie_SnC97 what is your instagram? I want to follow you to stay posted on the story of colby and terra


Hi. Happy new year!! Idk if people will even see this but whatever. I took a break and I didn’t let any of you know. Just had a lot going on. I do still plan on finishing the sequel to The Choice. Trying to wait until things calm down from the holidays before I even try. My creativity kind of flatlined for a little while. I hope you all had amazing holidays! Love you!


@Jessie_SnC97 it's totally fine Jessie. I really hope you get back to writing tho. I had an amazing new years and got to spend it with one of my best friends. My sister and her bf ended up getting covid and other illnesses so I can't visit them but I got to do Christmas with them.


@Jessie_SnC97 oh that's totally okay I get it. I do too. Lol  I've mostly left sadly. I follow along but don't interact I guess. I do still follow Josh though. He's never not been humble and his fans just keep to themselves lol   Miss you too.  


@Emy0420 sorry I haven’t kept in touch, emy. You know I suck at it lol I left the fandom bc i couldn’t deal with how toxic it’s become. It just became too much. I stay on tiktok now. If you’re on there, just dm me and I’ll send you my info. Miss you!!


In your book where Colby gave Terra a bath inspired me I would like o ask if I can use that in my book I wouldn’t want to steal it and it’s not a Colby Brock book and I would definitely change it up it’s not even going to be the same situation that happened but I wanted to ask if I could use it instead of stealing it


Dm me and we’ll talk ❤️


i know it seems like there is always something going on with me or my family.  as much as i wish these things weren’t true, bad luck just seems to follow us. mom and ben have covid so i’ve been taking care of them both. that’s why it’s taking so long with the chapters. would’ve kept it to myself but i wanted you to know why it’s taking me so long and why i can’t post some days. idk if i’ll be able to finish the chapter today or not. trying but not sure. anyway, hope you guys have a good day


@Elli3Bear are you still around? I’m rereading the final choice so that I can update soon. Sorry for the delay. You were always so invested and encouraging so I just wanted to let you know personally ❤️


@Jessie_SnC97 wish I could send a laughing emoji, I didn’t know you couldn’t :)))


@Jessie_SnC97 lol, good :)))))❤️


i know i still have a lot to write with The Choice before it’s over BUT my next idea is another enemies to lovers, colby brock biker…thoughts?


Yesss biker Colby❤️


I LOVE enemies to lovers @Jessie_SnC97