
The long awaited Chapter twenty nine of Meet Me at Dawn has finally been published. Life got in the way; I’m going to try harder to stick around this time. Hope ya’ll enjoy.


Am back again to check things out and wish you well! I truly hope you’re happy in life and someday you see this. This book is one of the very few Wattpad books I’ve discovered on here that I will always come back to and check again and again for an update. See you in another year or two!


Just gotta say that every so often I find myself coming back over the years to check on this book and see if it’s been updated and every time I find it has you surely do NOT disappoint! I love this book so much and I’ll continue dropping in to check things out.
          I was reading this book before I met my now husband and now I am married, have two kids, and another on the way.
          I know first hand how insane life gets and I’m glad you’re putting yourself first, but I do hope to see you around here again sometime soon! Until then, take care!!


It's almost been two years now since you've last uploaded so I guess you have put the book on hold. I hope you're doing well and wish you luck with finishing it. Maybe I'll come across it one day when it's completed! 


Hey everyone! Sorry I've been MIA. Still going through school and all that--exams every week are taking up all of my time. I've been trying to write a little here and there--therefore right now it is incoherent. Hopefully this Christmas will give me the time I need to put up a couple of chapters and hopefully finish Meet Me at Dawn for y'all. Thanks again for sticking with me!