If I could have Five things in the world they would be: my Family, who is always there for me when I need them, A library, which holds billions of the worlds greatest weapons, My Education, which gives me the power to wield the weapons of libraries everywhere,  Blank Notebooks, which have the ability to help writers dreams come alive, and a Pen/Pencil, The faithful sword of the writer.
Info about me:

The names is Kaydee,

I am part of the Star Trek, Star Wars, Sherlock, Doctor Who, OUAT, Supernatural, Harry Potter, fantastic beasts, Criminal Minds, Merlin, Marvel, and DC fandoms.

I ride horses alot and my dream job is to be an Author, or just a writer in general.

Favorite quote is.
"However had live may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. While there is life, there is hope"~~ Stephen Hawking
  • Living My Life To The Brim Of The Fullest, which is more than most people do.
  • JoinedMarch 4, 2017