
sorry no update for thoughts this friday, i’m aiming for next week, but like i said in my AN things are super busy rn. thank you for understanding ily!


hey u haven’t been active for a couple of months, just checking in to ask if you’re alright!! <3


no update tomorrow, i’m really sorry, i’ll try to have an extra good one out next week though ❤️


thank you, so excited for the next chapter :)) ❤️


hey guys, i really want to have my update for thoughts out tomorrow, but i really hâte how the chapter is looking right now. it’s not up to my standards as well as not interesting. i’ve been sick so i haven’t been able to put the amount of time editing into it as id like to.
          i’m doing my best to get it ready for tomorrow but i am not sure it will be ready and might have to come out next monday.
          thank you for understanding, hopefully i can have it out but if not you know why


i hope you feel better soon! and take your time cause what i’ve read so far has been amazing and if more time is what you need then take more time. get better xx


i had to get rid of all the images on my story hurt, as some were getting flagged. i’m sorry if i triggered anyone with them even though i thought they fit guidelines as they were only of bruises, so after getting 2 flagged down i just decided to get rid of all pictures


Sorry to be annoying but is hurt going to be updated soon? I love it so much! 


 Oo I can’t wait thank you! :) 


It is! Sorry so much for the confusing authors note! I’m currently writing finals for school so hopefully within a week of it being over I will have a new update out!