
I’m not sure my last post was sent out so trying again I guess? I am thinking about moving to Web Novel (this is probably why it didn’t post in the first place). Over the time I have been browsing on it I’ve come to prefer it more than this one. This would mean moving The Thread Knicker series to the new place. The lightning thief would go through some editing and then posted one chapter at a time and then restarting the sea of monsters. Another thing I am thinking about is starting up a P atreon for people to be able to show more support if they want. People who do support like this will be able to be added as original characters in stories, make decisions on what should happen in some portions of the storyline, and decide on new story ideas. Let me know what you all think about these ideas! Hopefully I will start posting before the end of this month. 


          	  I've never been on web novel so yours would be the only reason it make an account for it


I’m not sure my last post was sent out so trying again I guess? I am thinking about moving to Web Novel (this is probably why it didn’t post in the first place). Over the time I have been browsing on it I’ve come to prefer it more than this one. This would mean moving The Thread Knicker series to the new place. The lightning thief would go through some editing and then posted one chapter at a time and then restarting the sea of monsters. Another thing I am thinking about is starting up a P atreon for people to be able to show more support if they want. People who do support like this will be able to be added as original characters in stories, make decisions on what should happen in some portions of the storyline, and decide on new story ideas. Let me know what you all think about these ideas! Hopefully I will start posting before the end of this month. 


            I've never been on web novel so yours would be the only reason it make an account for it


Sorry for not posting I had a death in my family and I haven’t felt like posting because of it. Hopefully soon I can get back on the grind and getting some chapters out. So again sorry.


@JustTiller i hope you will fell better soon and every fink is alright


@JustTiller Well that's just sad, just make sure your okay with it tiller.


Hey Tiller I wrote some messages to you when you can see what you think?


But then that would make him stronger than usual I mean it would be while before all the crazy fights that cause him to get stronger really quickly but still. For example depending on how early he figures it out will change quite a bit. If it's only a few months before the start of the proper canon than he'll only be strong enough to beat restrained shikai renji when he and byakuya arrive to arrest rukia but will still get his ass beat by byakuya. But if it's when Masaki got her powers stolen by Yhwach then he'll have nearly 10 years to train even if he would defintely not be as strong cause he's just training not fighting to the death wouldn't change the fact that he would very likely be roughly captain level by that point.


I see so what should i start with im not gonna do anything to big. Like no making ichigo a hollow or him joining the Vandenreich. Maybe something like Masaki loses her powers still but doesn't die and ichigo finds out about his nature earlier?


I would totally go with Bleach for something like that idea


Hey man are you okay, your updates have been weird 


Also I’m doing some more original stuff in the stories and it’s just taken me longer to plan those out


If just been busy with work.


Hey if you don't mind me asking what happened to yesterdays update


I usually don’t post on weekends it gives me time to write ahead so I’m not rushing content through out the week. 