
Yes. Okay, yes. I forgot about wattpad. I'm sorry. It's kidna hard to find a good time to get on here. I'll try to be on more, though!


Yes. Okay, yes. I forgot about wattpad. I'm sorry. It's kidna hard to find a good time to get on here. I'll try to be on more, though!


So uhh…how’s the Hannah situation going, is she being banned then coming back??


@Felix_Aus I'm honestly not sure, but I think so. I don't really follow Hannah's activities, after she started leaving me alone. The article my parent's found that made them lock my main account was about the actual predators who were, ahem, I add, imprisoned-
            I'm pretty sure that the current Hannah is just a troll, but I'm not positive-


Just got back from a hunter show, (just= hours ago) I did five classes, Hunter Under Saddle, Hunter 1, Hunter 2, Equitation On the Flat, and Equitation Over Fences.
          I got second in the HUS, first in both Hunter 1 and 2, meaning that I got a champion ribbon (whoever did best overall in those three classes), third in Equitation on the Flat, and I didn't place in the Equitation Over Fences. Mostly because I screwed up like five things at once somehow, and it was my last class after being at the barn for about six hours, and I also hate Equitation. Not on the flat so much, but other than that... yeah, I hate Equitation classes. I was riding the Lumpy, and he was such a good boy!!!


hehe not me writing a whole paragraph on that-


Thanks for following!


@Storm-The-Icewings Of course! This is actually my alt account, I was locked out of my main ( @Glorybringer1163 )


All right, if you're here and wondering what my very hasty and not-very-well-worded message on my message board was all about (on my main account).
          So, basically my parents found an article about the whole Hannah situation, and they said that they were going to change the password to my account, to lock it for a bit. Of course, they don't know about this account... But anyways, yeah. They said that maybe I would get my account back soon, depending on what happened and said they were going to do more research. I, personally, am extraordinarily angered by this whole fiasco, and am hoping that I can guess the password to my main account to get back in, but anyways... yeah. That's the deal. I'll be checking in on this account every so often, don't worry.


@Just_Another_1DFan oh. Well now. At least you have this account-
            Hopefully you can get it back