
this message may be offensive
Hello mates, I I'll be posting this on a story in case none of you read this, so here we go. I'm  am coming back, but I will not promise to do much. I will try to fish rvb jaune up till the 13 season of red vs blue and I'll get Dan redemption up to a certain chapter but most of my time will go into a new project one on wattpad and another on YouTube I will use a British ai voice on elevenlabs to read wattpad stories till I can find a way so I can have a free ai voice over to read the stories I made because I am broke as shit because of fucking America I live in Texas which is expensive just shit breaking down my electricity went down got that paid so fuck you electric companies and just a few weeks ago my kitten died so yeah fuck death and screw life any who irl problems aside I have found a way to relax so I will post a bio and trailer on my new story one day on wattpad till then I'll be looking for a ai to voice my stories so I can post on YouTube if oh and my stories about y/n and backfire and evil genius renegades yeah those are on pause till further notice 


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Hello mates, I I'll be posting this on a story in case none of you read this, so here we go. I'm  am coming back, but I will not promise to do much. I will try to fish rvb jaune up till the 13 season of red vs blue and I'll get Dan redemption up to a certain chapter but most of my time will go into a new project one on wattpad and another on YouTube I will use a British ai voice on elevenlabs to read wattpad stories till I can find a way so I can have a free ai voice over to read the stories I made because I am broke as shit because of fucking America I live in Texas which is expensive just shit breaking down my electricity went down got that paid so fuck you electric companies and just a few weeks ago my kitten died so yeah fuck death and screw life any who irl problems aside I have found a way to relax so I will post a bio and trailer on my new story one day on wattpad till then I'll be looking for a ai to voice my stories so I can post on YouTube if oh and my stories about y/n and backfire and evil genius renegades yeah those are on pause till further notice 


Hey guys I will be back writing I promise but right now I need you to listen if you didn't know erica lindbeck delete her Twitter account after she was harassed by people look it up on YouTube but mainly she didn't want people use an ai voice of her to sing the song welcome to the internet and she got harassed by people On behalf on the ai community I apologize for the animals who harrased good people I may use ai voice but if the voice actors or actresses ask me to take down the video I will do so but this won't stop some people tou need to report the videos that are harrassment look up "erica lindbeck welcome to the internet" and look at the upload date for one week you will see 3 videos reposting that song please report them 


hey guys i wanted to one day come back with good news and say  i will be writing but this is not that message some time ago like 30 25 minutes ago my cat cass has passed away i was there with mom and dad comforting her in her final moments rest in peace cass


Hey guys I don't know if you know or heard or even follow neebs gaming but sad news of the the people behind the channel thick44 has passed away after he fight with cancer he had 2 brain surgery's and he fought for a very long time 
          Rest in peace man 
          Long live the wyvern king


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            Shit it seems like slot of people are passing away


Hey I know I haven't updated in a while but I will try to update a story today but that is not what I want to talk about early today a person ask for some help on wattpad for money and I helped the best I could and it made me realize that in this community I involved my self with that people are suffering from losing jobs, families, along with other things going wrong in this life which is my I'm opening a new book/community post I will post what I think and what I believe and if anyone want to come there and just talk to me about anything then I will gladly listen I will post another message later to tell you the name of said book