
Okay I'm really sorry that last chapter was so short! I'm kind of losing inspiration for the story... ALSO GUESS WHAT! Mark liked my tumblr post the other day :')


Sorry to break the thing but I honestly don't even know 13 people to tag (oops) but here are my answers! Sorry... 
          1) no im a scrub
          2) death from the book thief. He's more of a narrator but oh well
          3) I don't remember her name or the name of the book, but it was about a girl who lived with her mom and they really struggled with money and shiz. I related because I used to live with my mom and it honestly wasn't the best situation
          4) it's between "some people cry not because they're weak, but because they've been strong for too long" and "an eye for an eye only makes the world blind" 
          5) yes I love dancing, though most of the dancing I've done is like theatrical. Swing dancing seems neat though
          6) oooh I really want to see phantom, but a nearby high school put on 42nd street and it was amazing; I loved it.
          7)I have double piercings on my ear. I like nose and cartilage piercings but I don't think they'd be a good look on me
          8) my least favorite would probably be like the required classes we have to take like the digital citizenship one we had to take this year. It's easy but boring
          9) I dont know if he's a celebrity but honestly I love markiplier and jacksepticeye. Especially Sean because I feel like he's so genuine with his fans
          10) never meeting my full potential. I feel like there are amazing things I can achieve in life but I don't always push myself.
          11) oh god there's so many to choose from... I love Hercules a lot, but I love monsters inc, and also the fox and the hound was a fav. I'm not even going to try and choose between the princess movies
          12) my dream vacation would probably be Hawaii or Australia. I'd go surfing 
          13) hmm... I'd probably would want to be able to make anyone happy.