»»---->Hello There! <----««

My name is JuvanaMoon, I am a young writer who hopes to overcome my challenges and grow with my stories.

I always have many thoughts and ideas that I want to jot down and make a story.

I hope one day my stories can be recognized with my real name or from wattpad, originally I hope I can thrive in the world that is filled with writers who expressed themselves in this small yet growing committee.
I am also hoping to have a writing career as early as I can be.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy my stories and I appreciate any comments that will help fix my style and make me grow.

»»---->Goodbye! <----««
  • انضمDecember 14, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
Juvanamoon Juvanamoon Feb 28, 2019 02:28AM
Thinking of starting a poem story, a random drabble, and maybe a couple of rp ideas
عرض جميع المحادثات

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Stories Left To Rot in My Head
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Poems And Thoughts
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