
Do you have an estimate of when you’re going to release a new chapter?❤️


Okay thanks. Take your time 


@ilyjoc3 I’m waiting to hear back from wp to see if I can get the original back up! I have a few chapters written, they’re just not out yet <3


Hey Kami, may I ask, do you know the reason behind why your book is getting deleted? Have you also tried contacting Wattpad? I’ve had this issue once before but I remember sending a email and they sorted the rest out for me by activating the book again. If you need any help in sending a mail, I’ll gladly help you <3


Check your messages and I’ll help you more since I’m gonna need further details so I can assist you better <3  My book had smut in it, way too much of it too hahaha


@levreles Alright, thank you this is exactly what I’ll try! Though I do want to ask if your book had smut in it? I’m not sure if they’ll bring my fic back due to the amount of sexual content in it so that’s why I’m asking! Though, I will still send them an email!


What happened to my book and account was that someone paid for bots to mass report both book and account which resulted in me losing everything, the issue was completely resolved after they checked what was wrong and they reactivated it. No loss was gone btw, all comments and the total reads was back. Took a few days, but it all worked out in the end. I suggest you write first what happened and what you saw before the books were gone, and then I want you to ask them the reason why your books got “taken down”. It might also have been a issue at their end, but sending a email to their support is where your answer lies <3