“ baji - san did you study for that test coming up soon ? has chifuyu too ? ” 


            “ awh . . come on . . i don’t want to slide you anymore answers during a test ! what if we get in trouble ! ” she whined out gently as was a little dramatic about it . . . you honestly wouldn’t believe this girl ran around with a gang and caused trouble and fights . “ pleaseseee . . just cram in a small study session with me before in the library ! ” she said gently with those puppy dog eyes. 


            “ i have better things to do than study ! ” he gasped , as if offended by her words and the idea of studying . did he really have better things to do ? other than run around for mikey and get into fights ? no , not really . he just . . . really hated studying ! could you blame him , though ? truly , it was awful .


            the blonde let out a loud sigh. “ of course ~ i should of known~ " she said with a disappointed tone of voice . “ i mean chifuyu - kun somehow fit in studying after lasts night meeting along with me . ” she said as she walked closer to the boy . “ that shouldn’t excuse you ~ " she teased as she poked his side . “ you could of come and studied with me . ” she said with a shrug and tossed her blonde hair over his shoulder . 