Do you want me to drop inarizaki book and start something more sane or you want me to complete  it 
          	that book has a lot of mistakes grammar and plot that can't be fixed and I have no mode finishing it 
          	But I will probably leave yander theme stories tell me what do you guys think 


Hey, no hate and 
          I don't wanna sound rude but your story is a little confusing for me, cuz of following reasons:
          -I have a felling it has no head and no tail (if you know what I mean)
          -Y/n seems a little confused cuz she feels loving towards step dad and then the next moment she hates him, same with how team touches her: she's like uncomfortable but the next second she does nothing and feels comfortable
          -there is also a lot going on in a single moment or chapter (I think you could separate those things a little and remove some trauma she has)
          - there is a lot of grammar mistakes in there and there are missing dots. 
          I don't know if English is your first language so I can't really judge..
          If you wanna have a story looks like it has a little more sense have someone beta read the chapters before.
          I don't mean any hate just trying to help and give advice


@KETL17 that's alright everyone was in that phase I just thought to give some advice either for you or anyone else that's planing on writing a story and just happens to see this❤️
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@thebook_frog Hey hey 
            I wrote that story 3 to 4 years ago And my English wasn't that good back then but I just published it for my account to do not sound empty so there were a lot of mistakes like a lot so there wasn't anything to fix so I decided to leave it but some people told me to publish it since they wanted to read the ending so I didn't think much of it 
            tbh I am not that good at writing yandere stories either 
            thanks for your advice really appreciated ♥️♥️
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Hey guys Its me you probably won't remember me But its fine 
          Its been around a week since I left but I am back and I will re publish my books 
          I miss y'all btw  
          its been a year so I changed my style kinda but its for the better 
          and if you love anime and haikyuu Talk to me and let's be friends ♥️♥️


Can I please congratulate myself (Biden) is now in the white house 
          Congratulations to us or anybody who love (joe biden)  
          Hope the best this year for everybody