
Hello you guys, before I say anything else just let me say that this is a big thing to ask you to do and I'd be forever grateful. I love to write and to do my youtube and speaking to each and everyone of you allways brightens my day, but I've discovered a problem. Making videos takes money. I'm rather quickly running out of money which means I need to find money from somewhere. The art for the merch is not yet completed, and I can not wait for it any longer. Therefore I have decided to open a patreon account. This is only temporary and any support will be very welcome, I really am at rock bottom right now and I love what I do so I want to keep doing it. Please if you could send even pence it would be so so helpful. Again, I know this is a big thing to ask. If you're interested, let me know and I'll send you the link. I love you my kittens!


Questions: in baking and stuff like that, how do your measurements work? What do you use? I have a really good recipe i want to share but I don't know what to convert the us cups into, so can you please help me?


Hello you guys, before I say anything else just let me say that this is a big thing to ask you to do and I'd be forever grateful. I love to write and to do my youtube and speaking to each and everyone of you allways brightens my day, but I've discovered a problem. Making videos takes money. I'm rather quickly running out of money which means I need to find money from somewhere. The art for the merch is not yet completed, and I can not wait for it any longer. Therefore I have decided to open a patreon account. This is only temporary and any support will be very welcome, I really am at rock bottom right now and I love what I do so I want to keep doing it. Please if you could send even pence it would be so so helpful. Again, I know this is a big thing to ask. If you're interested, let me know and I'll send you the link. I love you my kittens!


My crush just messaged me back skhjshsahm *incorent excited noises* 


@ChokesOnTea24 give me a h! Give me an e! Give me an l! Give me a p!


@KJkittykat IK BUT I SAID IT AGAIN GURL im probs more excited than u lmao 
            im ur cheerleader 


@ChokesOnTea24 we actually had like a conversation 


Any of you guys good at drawing? If you are then send me a message! I'm terrible and I would love to have some good fan art as my cover for my new book idea. I would send an extremely detailed description as to what the characters look like and even some reference pictures if needed but you can just do your thing. My email is kjkttykat@gmail.com so please send any entries over to me there. I love you my kittens!