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Omfg I dream of relationships like ZSakuVA OC audio series like Luca or Marston lmaoo.
          	I'm a very much so fully aware that I never will, plus lesbians my age (in my area) is very little community lmaoo sooooo.......Shit.


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Omfg I dream of relationships like ZSakuVA OC audio series like Luca or Marston lmaoo.
          I'm a very much so fully aware that I never will, plus lesbians my age (in my area) is very little community lmaoo sooooo.......Shit.


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Okay so I plan on taking like a weeklong break bc like I said in my newest chapters of Forbidden Love school has been up my ass, so I can tell it's gonna be a hellish week, but uh kudos to my french teacher for not giving us an exam but I think we have one coming up so I wanna work on that! Ik I kinda was away for like a month but I was procrastinating so I am so so so sorry for this but I dont wanna fail this stuff soooooo yeah I swear once Im finished with all this stressful shit Ill post and whatever! Please be patient with me though!!