
R u still writing Betrayal of the Broken? 
          It's good and it'd be a shame to leave it like that 


@ChICkEnLIcKenSPonGe I would never chuck my stories to the trash, I may take them off for a while or not update for a while, but I will never abandon them, I just try to do them as best as I can and appease to people at the same time as spending majority of my spare time on this website reading. Once again I thank you for your support on my writing. As for the suggestions for what to read, the first five stories on my reading list are Pokemon related stories and the other seventeen are ones I'm simply waiting to be updated. Hope you enjoy.


@ChICkEnLIcKenSPonGe no problem. 
            It's just a shame seeing the story line go to waste, I get its been done before but it's hard to find a betrayed book that meets 2 expectations
            1) you can provide good twists and storylines, don't be afraid to come up with random ideas!
            2) continue with the story,  what's the point in writing a good book if it's just going to rot and die?
            Hope you enjoy whatever books you're reading and perhaps update soon. Got any other book recommendations for me while I wait though?