
Hello! I just wanted to make a post to say that tomorrow I will be posting the final chapter of 'The Queen of Aramdeau'. I cannot believe I’m going to be done with it, it feels so strange! Part of me wants to keep messing with it and editing it because I enjoyed writing it so much, but I know it is for the best to just leave it be at this point. 
          		Thank you so much to anyone who has been reading it; I have been so encouraged by the comments and everything. It makes me sad that I won’t be able to talk about my writing here for a while until I start posting my next work!
          		Speaking of which…
          		Lately I have had the idea of writing a spin-off or retelling of 'The Queen of Aramdeau' as an isekai, but I am in the middle of so many writing projects right now that it will probably have to wait. If you like my writing, please look forward to what I expect to be the next book I post: a fantasy adventure tentatively titled 'The Robin and the Princess'. (It’s…not a romance? Is that even possible for me?)
          	I have also, slowly but surely, been chipping away at the two sequels of 'Welcome to Wrenview' that I have been working on since before I even finished the first one. Stepping away from that project and working on TQOA has taught me so much about plot and how to structure a book. But I am not giving up on it! Wrenview will return, if I have any say in the matter!
          	Thanks for reading, and I guess I’ll see ya tomorrow!


I’m so sad it’s over. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading their story. That would be so awesome if TQOA had a spin off! I am looking forward to reading your next book! 


Hello! I just wanted to make a post to say that tomorrow I will be posting the final chapter of 'The Queen of Aramdeau'. I cannot believe I’m going to be done with it, it feels so strange! Part of me wants to keep messing with it and editing it because I enjoyed writing it so much, but I know it is for the best to just leave it be at this point. 
          	Thank you so much to anyone who has been reading it; I have been so encouraged by the comments and everything. It makes me sad that I won’t be able to talk about my writing here for a while until I start posting my next work!
          	Speaking of which…
          	Lately I have had the idea of writing a spin-off or retelling of 'The Queen of Aramdeau' as an isekai, but I am in the middle of so many writing projects right now that it will probably have to wait. If you like my writing, please look forward to what I expect to be the next book I post: a fantasy adventure tentatively titled 'The Robin and the Princess'. (It’s…not a romance? Is that even possible for me?)
          I have also, slowly but surely, been chipping away at the two sequels of 'Welcome to Wrenview' that I have been working on since before I even finished the first one. Stepping away from that project and working on TQOA has taught me so much about plot and how to structure a book. But I am not giving up on it! Wrenview will return, if I have any say in the matter!
          Thanks for reading, and I guess I’ll see ya tomorrow!


I’m so sad it’s over. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading their story. That would be so awesome if TQOA had a spin off! I am looking forward to reading your next book! 


Thank you for reading and rating my story.


Awesome thanks so much 


Ooh I haven’t heard a lot of these, I’m gonna check them out!
            If you use Spotify you might be able to find my playlist called “Medieval Fantasy Writing” although there are a lot out there with similar titles


I love those. They’re perfect! I am so going to reread while listening to your list! 
            I’m kind of all over the place. I started out listening to 
            *Cosmo Sheldrake- 
            several songs from the Galápagos album 
            All of the Wild Wet World album 
            The Much Much How How and I- Linger Longer (instrumental) and Linger a While (instrumental)
            *Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag shanties
            *all of Pirates of the Caribbean ost
            Although chapters 19 and 20 I have been listening to these
            *Fleurie and Tommee Profitt- Hurts Like Hell 
            *A Great Big World- Say Something 


Thank you so much for checking out my story (: I really enjoy reading your comments!! 


Oh my gosh I am so excited! I’m really glad you like it!! I’ve been checking out your books too and I’m excited to start them(:


@Melpomene16 haha thanks for stopping by! I love your story, I have been stopping what i've been doing all day to keep reading chapters! You'll probably keep seeing my comments tonight lol