
I know I've been gone from wattpad for several months now and I'm truly sorry. At this moment I'm going to unpublished all my stories(not poems) and edit them and once I get to a higher amount of chapters then I will re publish them all over. Some stories will be very different and some may only have minor changes but it's all for the better. Thanks for your support and I love you guys. 


I know I've been gone from wattpad for several months now and I'm truly sorry. At this moment I'm going to unpublished all my stories(not poems) and edit them and once I get to a higher amount of chapters then I will re publish them all over. Some stories will be very different and some may only have minor changes but it's all for the better. Thanks for your support and I love you guys. 


I know everyone wants me to update my stories. Unfortunately I will not be updating anything for a long time. I'm still writing and editing, but just not publishing. Whenever I update any of my stories that will let you know I have completed that story or I'm close to completing it. I'm sorry for the long wait but Looking back on my stories I realized I'm a much better writer that what you've been exposed to and I only want to give my readers the best. Thanks for the support and if you have any ideas now is the time to tell. 


I've been doing a terrible job with updating. I've been so stressed lately. So now I'm going to completely focus on writing more. When I get a few chapters ahead on my stories then I will start to update again. Please be patient. Thanks.


Some people say that what i write isn't poetry. All i can say is everybody is different and their writing styles are different. I typically write how I feel on a daily basis. If you don't like it then don't read it.