
Hey! I am also posting my stories on Quotev at the same time as here! As time allows I am updating them, and I RP to practice my writing via Quotev. So come read my works there or to RP with me(I don't use anything outside Quotev to RP).


Can you update blank pages


That’s cool it’s the same name right on Quotev right


@DatDatgirl Working on that now actually! Glad to see the interest! I will be officially posting content as time allows once I have my book setup on Quotev as well! (They have an app now after nine years)


Are you planning on rewriting the MY WINX book?


Yes! I read the original years ago and recently thought about it months ago.. I would def read the new one if you wrote one


@Madison_Shadoan Been considering it, I do have the perms to from the original creator. Would that be something you'd like? :)


Have my new phone where my keyboard isn't broken! Yay! Guess who can finally write like she has wanted to?! This oddball! 
          Expect a new chapter of "Blank Pages" soon and spam replies to all my notifications since ... December 15th. I am so back and ready! Woot! 
          I'm super hyped for you all to see my plans for original works and crossovers. I have been sitting on a specific concept for chapter two of "Blank Pages" for a while now. :)
          P.S. I have a laptop, yes, but my best writing happens in places only a phone can go. Haha. XD


helloo :]


@Demon_noises_ Makes sense, sad days


@KadrielFay it was mostly because of the ice I think. I’m kind of hoping we get a second one but that isn’t likely


@Demon_noises_ P
            Oh wow! HOW much snow? I love snow in general, but not driving in it. Lol. ◇


Oh my goodness! When I was writing chapter one my story “Blank Pages” was #10 out of 1,000+ stories on the #pages tag, but now it’s #1 out of 1,000+ on it! Thanks to all that lead to that rating! :)
          I appreciate all the votes and comments. They’ve made my day, and waking up to new notifications is nice.  
          Chapter two is in progress of being edited and written; it will be out sometime next week at earliest, I believe. But I’m also going by to start my freelance site and am currently designing my logo for Kadriel Fay Creates(oh no, the initials spells KFC; what have I done…)
          It’ll be my personal freelance business to write and graphic design for people, and I’ll have examples of my work up. I am, probably, going to use square space as the host for my website since coding isn’t my strength. 
          So those who love my Fanfiction and want to see what I can do with an original concepts or short stories catered to YOU, head on over to that when I announce it being officially up! I want to make it my full time career and eventually not have to DoorDash on the side!
          I will take FREE requests till New Year’s Day! So send in some requests from fandoms and concepts alike! I will put them in the website as samples, if that’s okay? :)
          When it becomes my full time career and before as well, I can start some original novel works I’ve had in my head alongside “Blank Pages.” Additionally, there will be short stories o’ plenty!
          Have a lovely day, Dreamers. Follow that heart of yours!
          P.S. I have to make a Minecraft mob vampire texture this weekend, and I am hyped for that too! Should it goes well, I get to help make textures for a TVD/TO/Legacies mod that is being worked on! :)


Chapter one is up! I went ham and wrote and edited nearly 5,000 words! Come meet the newest Mikaelson and watch everything begin! <3
          Watch out for chapter two!
          At the time of posting this, I could not find any works doing a crossover like this(which is why I made this) so forgive me if you had one and I didn’t know. However, as it stands, I hope this concept takes Wattpad by storm and I start seeing many! I hope I started a great concept for you all! #firstmbavxtvducrossover
          ⬇️  Click below for chapter one ⬇️ 